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Category Archives: Blog
Chuck Feeney Joins Mother Theresa and Nelson Mandela On Australia’s Top Honors List

The Commonwealth of Australia has awarded Chuck Feeney an Honorary Companion (AC) in the General Division of the Order of Australia for his services to Australian medical research and higher education (https://ministers.pmc.gov.au/gorman/2022/charles-chuck-feeney-appointed-ac). The AC Award is the highest civilian honor […]Continue reading «Chuck Feeney Joins Mother Theresa and Nelson Mandela On Australia’s Top Honors List»
Two more Australians join The Giving Pledge
While perusing the Giving Pledge website (https://givingpledge.org ), as I do from time to time, I realised that two more Australians have joined the pledge. Of the 111 Australian billionaires (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_Review_Rich_List_2021), that brings the number of Giving Pledge signatories to […]Continue reading «Two more Australians join The Giving Pledge»
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The EOFYthing
There are only a few days left for Australians to make tax-deductible charitable donations for the End Of Financial Year 30 June 2020. Besides making yourself feel great about giving to the charitable organisations that you love, remember that the […]Continue reading «The EOFYthing»
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Is Australia one of the most generous countries in the world?
Each year for the past ten years, the Charities Aid Fund publishes a list of “the world’s most generous countries.” It’s called the CAF World Giving Index (https://www.cafonline.org/docs/default-source/about-us-publications/caf_wgi_10th_edition_report_2712a_web_101019.pdf) and it uses data from the Gallup World Poll (https://www.gallup.com/analytics/232838/world-poll.aspx). Based on […]Continue reading «Is Australia one of the most generous countries in the world?»
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Unthinkable tragedies hard to even imagine…
Imagine if you were 17 years old and you learned that your mother and 12-year old brother were killed in a head-on car collision with a semi-trailer? And your remaining 14-year old sibling, in the same car, was injured so […]Continue reading «Unthinkable tragedies hard to even imagine…»
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The Australian Financial Review is a Sound (and Heartfelt) Investment
All of us in the philanthropy space (fund-raising, fund-receiving, grant-making, researching, etc.) look forward to the Australian Financial Review (AFR) that includes the annual BRW Rich List. But Friday’s edition (29 May 2015) was special – it’s not often that […]Continue reading «The Australian Financial Review is a Sound (and Heartfelt) Investment»
Giving it Away in Tax Year 2013-14
The 2014 Rich 200 List will appear in the Wealth Issue of the July edition of the AFR Magazine. At newsstands on Friday morning, 27 June, and free online via BRW.com.au. I wonder if some folks buy it just so […]Continue reading «Giving it Away in Tax Year 2013-14»
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“Berghofer, You Beauty!”
At 11:00 am on Wednesday morning, 7 August, a 78 year-old self-made Queensland millionaire fronted the media in Brisbane and announced that he was making a gift of $50,100,000 to the Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR) in the hopes […]Continue reading «“Berghofer, You Beauty!”»
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Giving is not taxing!
It’s nice to see someone spruiking the latest technologies for fundraising (“Harnessing power of a crowd is less taxing”, Sydney Morning Herald, March 20). The democratisation of philanthropy – by all means! And it’s thought-provoking to suggest that more individual […]Continue reading «Giving is not taxing!»
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Are you fearful? Or are you courageous?
I have written elsewhere that fear is one of things that keeps us from being more generous of our time, possessions and money. And I believe this is particularly true when it comes to giving away our money. Is that […]Continue reading «Are you fearful? Or are you courageous?»
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